On June 17, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) modified the regulations that govern workplaces in California to be consistent with the revised health orders from the California Department of Public Health. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health also aligned its health orders with the state’s protocols. Subsequently, the following guidance for schools will be in place for SPUSD 2021 summer programs:
- Daily health check-ins are required as a means of entering campus.
- Families must monitor themselves for symptoms daily. If the slightest symptoms exist, then stay home and consult your doctor or complete a Covid test.
- All students and staff must wear a face covering while indoors on campus, regardless of vaccination status.
- Face coverings may be removed while eating, drinking, or engaging in physical activity while outdoors.
- It is recommended that non-vaccinated individuals self-quarantine after out of state or international travel and closely monitor for any symptoms.
Since there are a variety of different on-going programs this summer, please contact the administrators of your child’s programs if you have specific questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
South Pasadena Unified School District