The SPUSD Extended Day Program is designed to provide working parents with school-based childcare services. SPUSD's programs provide a safe and nurturing environment that supports the developmental, social-emotional, and physical needs of all students. SPUSD offers KinderCare for children in grades TK-K, early morning care for children in grades TK-8, and Summer Camp for children in grades TK-8.
KinderCare (TK/K) Program
KinderCare is designed for students in transitional kindergarten and kindergarten who need additional care during the day when school is not in session. Two separate morning and afternoon KinderCare sessions run from 8:15 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. and 11:35 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily. KinderCare students participate in circle time, recess, a daily activity, snack, and lunch.
Early Morning Care
SPUSD Extended Day offers parents an hour of early morning care to bridge the gap from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. when school or KinderCare begins.
Summer Camp
SPUSD Extended Day also runs a Summer Camp program for incoming Transitional Kindergarten through incoming 8th grade students. Typically, the program starts the Monday after school is dismissed for summer and runs for eight weeks from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Enrollment for the program is open to all SPUSD students as well as students who are not enrolled in South Pasadena Unified schools.
After School Care
Right At School offers after school services to SPUSD families. Click here for more information about Right At School.
The South Pasadena Educational Foundation (SPEF) also offers fall and spring after school classes at our three elementary schools and at SPMS for current SPUSD students. Click here for more information about SPEF after school enrichment classes.