Established in 1886, South Pasadena Unified School District (SPUSD) serves approximately 4,800 students at three elementary schools, one middle school and one comprehensive high school. SPUSD has earned a reputation for providing high-quality, public education and attracting families who value challenging academic programs and outstanding teachers. SPUSD students frequently earn honors at the local, state and national level. All three elementary schools and the middle school have been named National Blue Ribbon Schools. All five schools have been awarded California Distinguished Schools honors; and the high school also has received a Best High School National Ranking from U.S. News and World Report.
The District receives vital support from parents and community members through the South Pasadena Educational Foundation, local PTAs, and booster clubs. A $98 million bond measure has helped improve facilities including a new SPHS STEM Building and Athletics Facility, a renovated SPMS Arts Building, and new arts classrooms at the elementary schools, among other modernization projects. Renewed in 2023, a local parcel tax helps keep class sizes manageable and pays for arts programs, counseling programs, and advanced instruction in core academic areas including science and technology.
Informed by SPUSD's strategic goals, opportunities abound in academics, visual and performing arts, and athletics. From an early age, students are exposed to various pathways including electives in engineering, biomedical science, business, and the visual and performing arts. Continually preparing for the future, team SPUSD helps students reach their individual potential by developing intellectual abilities, emotional maturity, unique talents, and a love of learning.
Geoff Yantz, Ed.D.