South Pasadena Unified School District

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Interdistrict Permits

UPDATED as of Monday, June 17, 2024:
For families wanting to submit new Inter-district Permits for the 2024-2025 school year (you are not currently enrolled in our district), the process is outlined below:  
The Process
The processing of Inter-district Permit applications will continue to be conducted online. Please do not come to the district office to submit your application.
On Thursday, August 1, 2024, beginning at 8:00 am, please email your completed application packet as a pdf attachment (preferred), or jpeg photos of all required documents to: [email protected]. Please put "Inter-district application for 24-25 - (your student's name and grade)" in the subject line. Please attach all required documents to one email per application, if possible.
For your application to be complete, you will need:
1) Approved release for 2024-2025 from your child's district of residence to South Pasadena Unified
2) Completed application for an SPUSD inter-district permit for your child (application below at the bottom of this page, complete, sign and date through section 1 only)
3) If entering grades 1 - 12, copy of your child's last year's report card,  or your child's TK report card if attended in 23-24, and applying for Kindergarten
4) If entering grades 4 - 12 and your child previously attended public school, a copy of your child's 23-24 CAASPP/SBAC scores (the state will offer them to students in grades 3-8, and 11). If entering grade 10 or 11, please attach your most recent CAASPP/SBAC scores (might be from 2 or 3 years prior)
5) If entering grades 4 - 12 and your child previously attended private school, a copy of your child's most recent standardized test score showing your child's scores in English and mathematics
6) Requested documentation on page 2 of the SPUSD permit application, depending on the reason for request: Child care, parent employment, sibling, health & safety, specialized program, continuing enrollment, final year, or change in residence
7) If there is room for TK-5 permits, the school placement will likely be Monterey Hills Elementary, or possibly Arroyo Vista Elementary. There will be no placement at Marengo Elementary, unless joining the DI Mandarin program for 4th or 5th grade. A reminder that all SPUSD TK and K programs are 3.5 hours, either an AM or PM class, and daycare may not be available at the district by the time of acceptance, so please plan accordingly
8) In shared custody situations, both parents must sign the Interdistrict Permit application to attend SPUSD.
Incomplete applications will not be processed, as stated on the second page of the SPUSD Inter-district permit application. You will receive an email within 3 school days from your submission date confirming that your application is complete or letting you know if the required documents are missing. Please understand early August is a very busy time in our district.
If you are still waiting on a release from your home school district on August 1, 2024, you may apply as soon as you receive your release. 
All applicants must meet the student criteria listed below to be accepted on an inter-district permit.  Students interested in the Dual Immersion program must also meet language fluency requirements as well as the usual academic criteria.  
Student Criteria for an Inter-district Attendance Agreement

A student considered for admission to South Pasadena Unified School District on an Inter-district Attendance Agreement, unless the student is an incoming Kindergartener, must meet the following criteria:

1. The most recent report card for secondary students must show a 3.0 or above academic GPA, and no more than
one Unsatisfactory citizenship mark or comment. The most recent report card for elementary students must show
above average grades and citizenship marks, as determined by the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, or
2. The high school transcript for secondary students must show at least a 3.0 cumulative academic GPA.
3. The student's most recent state assessment results or other standardized test scores must show meeting or
exceeding standards in all subject areas.
If SPUSD is able to accommodate the permit request, the parent will be notified no later than Friday, August 30, 2024.  Parents should have a "Plan B" in mind, in the event that SPUSD is not able to grant a permit to attend SPUSD. If your "backup school" begins prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year (Wednesday, August 14, 2024), and you have not heard back from us, you should plan on attending your "backup school".   Please be advised that the earliest we are able to accept students is after the start of school, during the week of 8/19/24 - 8/23/24, and please refrain from contacting the Office of Instruction to inquire about acceptance. We will contact you by phone or email if we are able to accept your student.  If we cannot accept your student to attend one of our schools on permit, you will be notified in writing no later than Friday, August 30, 2024.At that time, we will be finished with all new permit applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
Information on Inter-district permits for the 2024-2025 school year for students who are attending SPUSD in the 2023-2024 school year:
1) If you are attending SPUSD on an inter-district permit for the 2023-2024 school year, and will be transitioning from 5th to 6th grade, or from 8th to 9th grade, you will need to get a new release from your home school district to attend SPUSD for the 2024-2025 school year. These are the only permit students who need to get a new release, per AB 2444. Please email your new release, and new SPUSD permit application, located at the bottom of this page) to Cathleen Hoadley at [email protected]  no later than Friday, June 7, 2024, if possible. If your home district has a timeline later than June 7, 2024 to issue new permits, please email that information to [email protected].
2) For students attending SPUSD on current inter-district permits only, who are not transitioning from 5th grade to 6th grade, or from 8th grade to 9th grade: New student contracts will be emailed to you by mid-July 2024. Please complete this paperwork as soon as you receive it, and email it back to the district office at [email protected], or drop it off at the front desk during business hours, M-F 8 am to 4:30 pm, prior to August 5th, 2024. Once received, an administrator will sign it, and a completed copy will be emailed back to you within 30 days.

3) For LAUSD residents currently on permit at SPUSD who are transitioning from 5th to 6th grade, or from 8th to 9th grade, please click on the following link to access the LAUSD website where you can request a release for continued enrollment for your LAUSD student:  (please note that LAUSD's window for applying for a release is February 1, 2024- April 30, 2024 only. After April 30, 2024, they will only process release requests online if they are parent employment-related.)

To submit a non-employment related request for a release from LAUSD after April 30, 2024, please complete an LACOE appeal online, which can be accessed on this website:  If you live in LAUSD and are attempting to obtain a release from LAUSD, the link below is where you access their online application for a work-related release:

If you live in Los Angeles, and would like to determine which is your home school in Los Angeles, click on this link:

4) If you are a South Pasadena resident, and would like your student to attend another public school outside of South Pasadena for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to complete an Inter-district Release Application (application located at the bottom of this page), and then drop it by in person for approval, or scan it and email it to [email protected].  Please bring (or attach via email submission) documentation to support the reason for your request for a release (proof of parent employment in the requested district, proof of childcare provider in the requested district, proof of acceptance into the specialized program in the requested district, etc.).
5) For an understanding of the levels of priority given to new inter-district applicants, please see our Administrative Regulation 5117  regarding Inter-district Permits, located below.
6) All applications must include a copy of the most current transcript/report card, a copy of the most recent standardized scores for students in grade 4-12, and the documentation requested to support each reason provided. Students must have proficient grades and standardized test scores in all areas in order to meet the student criteria listed in AR 5117 and be eligible for admittance. 
Below is a chart of documentation that must be attached to the application at the time of submission. Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed. Requests will be considered based on local board policies and on individual merit.

Reason for Request

Documentation Required

Child Care

¨ Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day-to-day basis

-    Copy of a recent pay stub

-    Letter on the employer’s stationery verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment

-    If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment

¨ Letter from the adult, center or organization providing childcare

-    Name, address and contact information of the adult, center or organization

-    Childcare license number and fees, if applicable

-    Hours of operation for the center or organization, or hours that the student is under care

-    Length of time student has been under care by the adult, center or organization

¨ Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstances that an inter-district permit is necessary under child care reasons

Parent Employment

¨ Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day-to-day basis

-    Copy of a recent pay stub

-    Letter on the employer’s stationery verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment

-    If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment

¨ Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstances that an inter-district permit is necessary under parent employment reasons


¨ Name, grade and school where the sibling attends (sibling must already attend the proposed district of attendance)

¨ Copy of the sibling’s last report card

¨ Copy of the sibling’s release permit from the district of residence

Health & Safety

¨ Letter or report from a doctor, psychologist, or other appropriate person verifying health-related issues (if applicable)

¨ Police or school report supporting safety-related issues (if applicable)

¨ Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an inter-district permit is necessary under health and safety reasons

Specialized Program

¨ Copy of the flyer, brochure, or other informational material detailing the specialized program in which the student is interested

¨ Letter from parent/guardian expressing the extent of the student’s interest in the specialized program, and how the program is either unavailable or not comparable at the district of residence

Continuing Enrollment

¨ Copy of the student’s last report card

¨ Letter from parent/guardian stating the enrollment history (grade and school/district) of the student since kindergarten

Final Year

¨ Copy of the student’s last report card

Change in Residence

¨ Copy of escrow documents

8) If you have further questions not addressed on this page, please contact the Office of Instruction at 626-441-5810 X1120.