Dear SPUSD Families,
Welcome back to our youngest learners! It is with great pride and appreciation that I am writing to congratulate you all on a successful first day at school. Our elementary campuses opened today for students in preschool through second grade in a hybrid format. This is the first time in nearly a year that our students have been in the classroom, and I know that this road has not been easy. We remain committed to providing a safe, strong, comprehensive educational experience for all.
During the special meeting last night, the Board approved phase two and three of the reopening process. We will welcome back students in grade three on March 11, 2021 and students in grades four and five on March 15, 2021. Families with students in grades three through five will be receiving more information from principals and teachers soon.
The Board also discussed reopening grade six because State public health guidance includes grade six as an elementary grade level. However in South Pasadena, sixth grade is part of a secondary school. Our sixth graders participate in a moving/multiple period schedule that does not adhere to State or Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s “stable cohort” guidance. This topic is being discussed and brainstormed by teachers, administrators, and public health officials at all levels of the public education system in LA County to find a solution that might adapt to a secondary model.
At this time, the guidance regarding a return to in-person instruction for secondary schools has not changed. The California Department of Public Health framework mandates that schools serving these grades may reopen only if they are located in counties in the Red, Orange or Yellow Tiers. Therefore, our secondary schools will continue to develop and offer on-campus opportunities for students that are permissible under the guidelines.
Please remember that we all must continue taking the steps necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It is very important that you follow all the safety guidance, including but not limited to, keeping your children home from school if they are not feeling well. Also remember that county travel restrictions indicate that you should limit non-essential travel and you must quarantine upon return if you leave the state or country. We’re all in this together.
Geoff Yantz, Ed.D.