April 1, 2020
Dear SPUSD Community,
Iām writing with important updates about school facility closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because student, staff and family safety is our number one priority, SPUSD school campuses will remain physically closed for the remainder of the school year. Our decision aligns with the recent recommendation from the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools and state officials.
Please note that the 2019-2020 school year is not over, we are transitioning from classroom instruction to the Independent Study Distance Learning Program (ISDLP), beginning on April 6. This program will continue for students through the end of the scheduled school year, June 3, 2020.
As we embark on this journey together, please know that we are committed to maintaining a quality learning environment. As we move through these changes, we will be strengthening our online learning programs and opportunities for all students.
Please approach this new program with patience and understanding as we all transition into a new way of teaching and learning to meet the health and safety impacts of COVID-19. We understand that families and educators have experienced a significant disruption to their lives that has uniquely impacted each of us.
I would like to thank all SPUSD staff for stepping up and working cohesively over the past two weeks. Thank you to our technology team, office staff, maintenance and custodial staff, teachers, school and district administrators, instructional services staff, and food service staff who have been at the forefront of these changes. Our extended day program staff also have stepped up to support our food services department. A special thank you goes out to our Board of Education members who continuously engage and offer an intelligent and supportive approach in this time of uncertainty.
Many others within our district are working behind the scenes, around the clock, to make this type of learning a reality for our students. Everyone is doing their best during this challenging time. I am very proud of the work ethic and commitment our school community continues to embody. Thank you to parents who have offered and will be stepping in to volunteer as needed.
We look forward to kicking off a new ISDLP chapter for SPUSD on Monday. Make sure to stay safe and committed to social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. We will be back in touch soon with additional updates and remember that information from SPUSD is posted regularly on
Take care,
Geoff Yantz, Ed.D.