Dear SPUSD Families, Faculty, Staff, and Administrators,
As we move beyond the one-year mark since the COVID-19 crisis grew into a pandemic, I am feeling cautiously optimistic and very hopeful about what I see on the horizon for our SPUSD community. Schools are opening, employees are being vaccinated, sports competitions are taking place, students are gradually returning to in-person learning and extra-curricular activities, and more. Every one of these activities moves us in the right direction and helps address our students’ needs in various ways.
We continue to prepare and plan, and throughout this process we see the results of the work of countless individuals. I am inspired by and extremely grateful for the extraordinary efforts made by our teachers, staff, administrators, and parents/guardians who help our students adapt to all the transitions and new challenges.
Welcome Back - Phased Reopening Continues
On March 11, we welcomed third grade students to hybrid learning and on Monday, March 15, our upper elementary fourth and fifth graders will return. Safety continues to be our primary focus, and we have been quite successful. Thank you for your continued diligence to minimize the spread of the virus by following Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s clear guidance and protocols.
What’s Next
Last week, the Board voted to bring back SPMS students on April 8 and SPHS students on April 15, 2021. Planning is underway and students/families will learn more about schedules and structure after public health departments release guidance for secondary schools and hybrid instructional models are finalized.
Spring Break Reminder
SPUSD will observe Spring Break from March 29-April 2 and a pupil-free day on April 5, 2021. Please remember that LACDPH requires anyone who arrives from out of state to self-quarantine for 10 days upon return to Los Angeles County. The self-quarantine applies to everyone, including people who have been vaccinated.
We must continue to do our part to fight COVID-19. We will keep you updated as we receive more information.
Geoff Yantz, Ed.D.