July 13, 2020
Dear SPUSD Community,
Earlier today, Governor Newsom issued new guidelines for re-closure of various businesses and organizations within California and Los Angeles County. Additionally several school districts, including Los Angeles Unified and San Diego Unified, announced that they will be offering only online learning at the start of the 2020-2021 academic year.
We are acutely aware of these developments and continue to gather information from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles County Office of Education about reopening schools. Today, these organizations stated that schools should be physically closed given the recent trajectory of Covid-19 cases and provided local Governing Boards the ability to make this decision. Very restrictive protocols intended to be used as a roadmap for school districts to reopen were also released. This decision for physically reopening SPUSD schools will be made after an instructional model is determined by the Board of Education. Our number one priority continues to be the health and safety of our students and staff.
SPUSD currently is gathering information from stakeholders through various surveys sent over the weekend. This survey feedback will inform the SPUSD Board of Education’s decision about a 2020-2021 instructional model so it is crucial for parents, students, and staff to continue sharing information through the surveys.
Before SPUSD proceeds with determining whether schools will be physically reopened, we will decide on an instructional model for the fall semester. During the Special Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 16, school board members will review and consider approval of a distance learning and hybrid instructional model. The model will account for options allowing for a fluid transition between physical closure or opening of schools dependent upon the health and safety conditions.
We realize everyone would like to see students back in school as soon as it is safe to do so and will be providing more information as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience during these uncertain and constantly changing times, and we value your continuous feedback and support.
Geoff Yantz, Ed.D.