March 30, 2020
Dear South Pasadena Community,
After Spring Break, we will be entering a new educational journey together as we embark on our Independent Study Distance Learning Program (ISDLP). We know that our students will be learning in new ways, our teachers will be teaching in new ways, and our families will be supporting their children in new ways. We ask for your patience and understanding while we learn, adapt and grow in our new reality.
Launching on April 6, our Independent Study Learning Program (ISDLP) will consist of each individual teacher changing the delivery of instruction to a digital experience. For SPUSD, this experience will primarily include teachers presenting material, then students working independently on assignments throughout the week. This plan is not meant to replicate the full set of learning experiences that our schools can offer when they are in session. Although instruction will feel different than it does in a traditional classroom or even different than what we may expect based on what we know about online learning, the instruction and activities will help students advance in their knowledge and skills.
Digital platforms like Google Classroom, Seesaw, and Class Dojo are incredibly robust and will allow for a variety of instructional activities including collective classroom experiences. Teachers have worked with their grade level teams and with their department colleagues to determine the essential standards and learning objectives for their content areas. The methods of teaching and the nature of assignments are the professional discretion of individual teachers. In all likelihood, some weeks may look different than other weeks as we see what is working well and what we need to change.
We created the “SPUSD Guide to ISDLP” to help you as we begin this new type of instruction. Please review the information closely as many answers to your questions will be included in the guide.
Thank you to all SPUSD staff for their work over the last few weeks. Thank you to families for supporting your children in their studies while balancing many other responsibilities. We appreciate your support through calm and caring communication. Please keep in mind that many school employees also are caring for families at home. We are all in this together!
Christiane Gervais
Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services