South Pasadena Unified School District

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SPHS Band and Orchestra Students Excel at Seattle Heritage Festival

Congratulations to the SPHS Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, Orchestra and Director Howard Crawford on their recent competition results at the Heritage Festival in Seattle, Washington. Each group scored the highest possible for all three ensembles:

  • Jazz Band - 1st place, Gold
  • Symphonic Band - 1st place, Gold
  • Orchestra - 1st place, Gold

Orchestra and Symphonic Band were the only ensembles at the entire festival to receive the Adjudicator Trophies. Plus, SPHS brought home:

  • Instrumental Sweepstakes Trophy – the highest average score of two instrumental groups from one school
  • Outstanding Band Trophy
  • Outstanding Orchestra Trophy

Out of 1,000 students who participated at the Seattle Heritage Festival, five were given the Ovation Award for solos. Three of the five winners were from SPHS:

Kelsey Lih – Orchestra

Euan Zhang - Jazz Band

Niko Tripodis - Jazz Band

Go Tigers!