South Pasadena Unified School District

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School Board Reaffirms South Pasadena Unified's Commitment to a Safe, Inclusive, and Non-discriminatory School Environment

SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. (February 15, 2017) - The South Pasadena Unified School District (SPUSD) Board of Education approved a Resolution on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, which underscores the District's commitment to fostering a safe and healthy environment for all students. Illustrating the importance of unwavering values regarding the humanity and dignity of every person, the Resolution seeks to clearly state the District's commitment to maintaining an environment of acceptance, support and kindness for all.
"South Pasadena Unified recognizes the diversity and worth of all students and is committed to providing equal educational opportunities without discrimination," said Superintendent Geoff Yantz.
With this Resolution, SPUSD joins many school districts and the National Parent Teachers Association in clearly stating its inclusive values. Further, the Resolution declares that schools are safe learning environments that welcome parent participation and that SPUSD will ptotect all rights afforded to students under federal and state law and regulations. Such laws and SPUSD policies and procedures state the following:
  • District personnel shall treat all students equitably in the receipt of all school services
  • District personnel shall not inquire about a student's immigration status, including that of family members
  • Any request by Federal immigration officials for information or to access a school site shall be immediately forwarded to the Superintendent for review and a decision on whether to allow access to the site and provision of information ensuring the District compliance with Plyler v. Doe (1982) and other applicable laws; and
  • In its continued commitment to the protection of student privacy, SPUSD shall ensure that no unnecessary data is being collected with respect to students' immigration status
The Board of Education discussed and vote to approve the Resolution during the recent Board meeting. SDee attached file for the complete Resolution.
About South Pasadena Unified School District
Established in 1886, the South Pasadena Unified School District serves approximately 4,800 students within five schools, including three elementary schools, one middle school, and one comprehensive high school in South Pasadena, California. Nestled in the West San Gabriel Valley, SPUSD has earned a reputation for providing high quality public education, attracting families who value challenging academic programs and outstanding teachers. Consistently recognized for superior performance, SPUSD students earn honors at the local, state and national level. The District draws vital support from parents and community members through the South Pasadena Educational Foundation, local PTAs and booster clubs.
For more information, contact: South Pasadena Unified School District, Office of the Superintendent: [email protected]